Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pregnant guppys?

ok so the other day i went to the pet store and bought two guppys (one male and one female) . Well on the way home i noticed that they were being pretty friendly to each other and not freaking out and jumpng around the bag as most od my fish had done. I got home put them in the tank and well i came back today after school and noticed a black gravid spot on the female! The males and females were kept in diffrent tank at the pet store so this happened over night?! Is this normal to happen after one day? And also the gravid spot is really noticable (since the fish is yellow) doesnt it take time to show up?
well...there are a few ways why they would occur.
one reason would be that mating with another fish occured at the supplier ( sure, the petstores keep them apart but the people to ship the fish may not have) she may have been pregant before you bought her.
a second possiblity is that she isn't virgin. i noticed that (i have feeder fish as pets so it might be different) guppies that had mated or given birth before still kept a very light gravid spot. once preganated it would darken. ( i look at my guppies a lot.its a lot better then doing math D: ) sometimes, they would have the gravid spot when she had matured. the gravid spot is one of the few ways to identify if it is a male or female.
its possible that they had mated already. i have a tank full of guppies and i rarely see the females without a dark gravid spot. the males are always so busy...
It is very common for guppies, and other fish, to come to the pet store pregnant. This is very likely to have happened at the supplier. When you have a tank filled with several hundred female fish, it isn't hard to miss a male or two.

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