Saturday, May 22, 2010

Question: Pet fish?

I just got two pet fish. A male and a female, the female is pregnant. and the male all he does is hide all day i try to get him to eat but he just stays in one spot and the female eats all the food. So I was wondering if someone could tell me if something is wrong with the male. Thanks
Albokid, platties are often quite shy when introduced in a new environment. With my first batch I also remember having one that was always in the same spot behind plants and I worried he might be sick. Give the little guy a few days and he will eventually come out. It might even take as long as a week, during this time watch him close to make sure there's nothing else wrong with him.
most likely
We would really need to know more to be able to help you. The type of fish and the tank size would be a good starting place.
no nothing wrong, the female will not let the male eat or have any territory to swim in. once the female has the babies things will return to normal

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