Thursday, July 30, 2009

Neon tetras?

i know that neon tetras like to live in schools of 5 or more so say i had a 5 neon tetras what is the minimum size tank i could have them in since they are so tiny. my other question is is there a deffinite possibility that one of the fish will get pregnant and have babies?
Id say no more than 5 gallons, With a heater and filteration, As well as all the equpiment you would need, Test kits, gravel syphon,thermometer,gravel.plan... ,lighting, And im sure im forgeting somthing's, And neons do not get pregnant as the are egg layers. If you have never had fish before i suggest you do some research and get a hardier fish to start with such as livebeares ( those give birth to live babys)
As i said do RESEARCH.
Good luck
~ GG
I think 10 gallons would be better. You'll most likely want to add a few more fish, and with the 5 gallon you'll be limited on the amount and types of fish to get. And, for the price of a 5 gallon set up, it's actually cheaper to go with the 10 gallon set up. Check Walmart, as much as I hate that place, they have a basic 10 gallon set up for about 29.00, just need to get a heater for them by winter time. As far as them breeding, can't say, I don't buy those fish anymore, they're super sensitive and usually don't make it past the first few days.
i say a five gallon tank so they have lots of room to venture they love plants that would be the minimum for me.
males-small chest
females-deep chest
you have a good chance of having babies
If all you are going to put in the tank is the tetras then you could go as small as one of the 2-3gallon tanks out there. But only if you aren't going to want to add ANY other fish. I started with 6 tetras in one of those and eventually graduated to a 55gallon tank that holds three grommies (I know I misspelled this) one algae eater, two corys, and 14 tetras. Tetras do get "pregnant" but the others will eat the eggs before any thing can happen, you have to have a very specific environment to have successful breeding. If you really want to breed them do some research.
I think neon tetras need at least 3 gallons of water, but it depends on how many you have. and I don't think they are live-bearers like guppies and platys.
The minimum tank size required for Neon Tetras is 10-gallons.
The possibility of pregnancy and having babies depends on the amount of females you have. You must have two males and four females (if your local pet store knows how to sex them correctly).
To breed Neon Tetras, separate a pair into a "breeding tank" with no lighting at first, and gradually increase it until spawning occurs. Water hardness should be less than 4 degrees and live food such as mosquito larvae are great inducers. Be sure to remove the adults after the eggs have been laid, as the adults will eat them. The eggs should hatch within 30 hours.

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