Thursday, July 30, 2009

Once again another fish question. my heater broke about a week ago so I'm finally going to get another one

its a ten gallon tank with just a male betta in right now. what should i set his heater. and how do i put it on my brother did it last time ?
Most heaters are held on my a little clamp that keeps them at the top of the tank, or by suction cups. Installing it in your tank shouldn't give you any problems at all.
Set your heater to maintain about 76-82F for your betta. Anywhere in that range is very good.
ask your brother to do it again, bettas can live a room temp
Keep the temp around 26C.
My normal advise would be for you to place the heater in the path of your filter outflow. This ensure the heated water get mixed even in your tank, instead of getting a localised hot spot if it's kept in a dead flow area.
If the heater is submersible then you can put it all the way under the water and it should have a suction cup to hold it to the glass. If it's not submersible then it will hang on the back of the tank and will have a "water level" line, make sure the water goes up to that line. Heaters may have specific degrees marked on the dial or just lines. If there are degrees then turn it to 78 for your betta. If there are just lines then turn it until the light comes on. Wait until the light goes off and check the thermometer to see what the temp is. If it's between 78-82 then leave it there. If it's under than then turn the dial more, if it's over that then turn it back. Those types of heaters are a pain in the tuckus, though! LOL

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