Friday, July 31, 2009

Penny in the tank to kill snails?

I have heard that a penny in the tank sterilizes snails... Does it work? Will it kill or sterilies my fish? I have a 50 gallon long tank how many pennies will it take?
I would personally not do that, I would go with the natural way, the vegetable bait
Here is a site that explains it in detail

Hope that helps
Good luck

I have never really heard about this method of sterilizing aquatic creatures...
I would not put copper pennies in a fish tank, it does not seem to be the right thing to do. As a penny corrodes, it might give off other things that not only kill the snail it will contaminate your tank too. Ask at the pet store, how to rid your tank of snails. It may be you will have to take the whole tank apart, clean, throw away any plants, live or artificial. Clean the ornamental with a salt solution, and rinse well, no bleach. Live plants are usually the source where the snails come from in the first place.
This is a science project some kid did that supposedly shows that 12 pennies will kill or repel snails. Take it for what it's worth.
50g tank with a snail problem, get 5 Zebra Loaches and then there will be no more snails. Only get loaches if they are compatible with what you already have.
i do know that most medications for fish contain high doses of copper which is in fact poisonous to inverts such as snails. i have heard of the penny thing befor but not sure if there is any real research that can validate this as true. a penny is made of copper so i guess it makes sense but i dont know if this is a good idea. I cant really say what it will do to your fish or the snails. I guess what you could do is put all of your fish and snails you wish to keep in a seperate tank and dose the tank with any medication that is high in copper to get rid of the snails in your main tank. That will work, i dont reccomend it but it will work. once the snails are gone then do a large water change on your main tank befor adding the fish back in. good luck and hope this helps.
Dunkelfalke, exactly what i was thinking
high amounts of copper in water would kill all aquatic invertebrates.
fishes don't like copper in water, but they can tolerate it for a while.
it is a very bad idea, though, to kill snails in such a way because many of them can dig into the ground or just hide somewhere and when they die they'll rot, which causes an explosive reproduction of aerob bacteria, which eat all the oxygen in the tank so the fishes would suffocate.
Buy a Cichlid they are agressive but they LOVE snails. Even the giant magic snails

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