Friday, July 31, 2009

Perch Aquarium?

Alright, lets say im interested in setting up a Sun Perch Aquarium, and have no supplies for the tank at all yet. I am interested in having 2-3 Baby Perch in my future tank. Could anybody reccomend me all/some of the items i will need to purchase for my tank, like how powerful of a filter and how big of a tank? (Also i need to know what they eat besides worms.)
(P.S. It is legal where i live to keep them by the way so no worries there.)
First off, you need a very large tank. I would suggest at least 75 gal. Second, they will be much more dirty than your average aquarium fish. I would recommend a filter at least big enough for a 100 to 150 gal tank.
As far as food, they will eat many things. Small minnows/goldfish (as they get bigger), worms, crickets, grasshoppers, flies... basically anything around the size of a quarter or smaller is fair game for adults. It just depends on their size. If it fits in their mouth, they will go for it. They will also eat human food like bread, cheese and meat, although that may not be the best thing for them in the long run.
Didn't you ask this question yesturday? If that wasn't you, you should search for the answers to a similar question last night.
I would use a 6' long tank which start at 100 gallons and go up from there. I would get a Hagen Fluval FX5 canister filter. I would add a large piece of driftwood for the bottom and one to float on the top. I would add some live plants, pea sized gravel in most of the tank though much smaller gravel just barely larger than sand in the areas I want the live plants that aren't floating varieties. Perch will eat a wide variety of things and since they're babies you can eventually switch them over to commercial foods. Goto and take a look at articles they have about yellow perch. NANFA is the North American Native Fish Association and they are an excellent group. They probably have a chapter in your area. There are some good books I think Native Fish for the Home Aquarium is one I have that talks about Yellow Perch. Enjoy

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