Friday, July 31, 2009

Plants and aquarium salt?

I'm new to live plants. I want to use aquarium salt in my livebearer tanks, but it will kill the plants in a short time right? Are there any plants that can withstand the salt?
Most aquatic plants will tolerate the amount of salt used on a regular basis in freshwater tanks (1 tablespoon per 5 gallons). Some will tolerate even more salinity. This link gives a list with symbols for various environmental requirements, and one symbol indicates brackish/alkaline conditions:
Another article:
There are plants in the ocean -- so, surely there must be some plants that can withstand the salt -- ask the people at your local friendly aquarium place -- surely, they'll have the answer . . . it's their job (and, if they tell you something, and the plant dies, anyway . . . you could feasibly return it, under the warranty of merchantability . . . look that up online).
be careful, the two do not combine very well and i learned it from experience, i had a sick oscar and i was healing him with some salt and plants in the tank. well he didnt make it but if you do a good amount of water changes the plant comes back to life as quick as it dies.
Some plants, like Java Moss, Java Fern, Hornwort, Amazon Sword, and Annubias, tend to do rather well in salted freshwater to brackish type tanks.

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