Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My platy is in the breading trap ?

did i do the right thing !
As i told you before, Its up to you if you put the fish in the breeding trap, You will notice that the fish doesnt as it takes spazzims about the box every so often, Read my answer to your last question.
~ GG
First of all you didn't state for how long your platy has been pregnant for, so would I know if you put it in at the right time
Second, all livebearers gestation period is 28 days
You're not suppose to put them into a breeder unless the birth is only like 2-3 days away
If you put her to early in there it will cause her stress and she will aport the babies and most likely die from it
To understand better what i'm talking about, read the following article and watch the movie

Hope that helps
Good luck

i agree with EB

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