Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My pond fish are eating ants that fall in, is that healthy?

If you have Goldfish and/or Koi, it's not a problem at all. Both of those types of fish are Omnivirious - that means they eat Plants and Animals.
I have a pond with 5 Koi and 12 Goldfish. The Koi actively hunt insects and the bigger Koi (the 14 inchers) eat anything that land. During the day I've seen them eat ants, Japanese Beetles (a favorite) Mosquitos, Mosquito larvae - anything that lands on the water is fair game. Though I haven't seen them eat a hornet or wasp yet.
We've had a drought around here and I see hornets and wasps land on the edge rocks and plants all the time to take a drink. I imagine if they do grab a hornet, they'd get stung before they would be able to crush it with their chewing plates.
Remember Koi and Goldfish both have bony type plates further down their gullets that they use to break down pellets and bugs. That's why when they eat pellets, you'll see them gobble some, then take a break below while they stand still, making chewing motions.
I have Cannas around my pond and Japanese Beetles love to eat them. Each afternoon I'll go out and catch the Japanese beetles and throw them hard at the water (so they can't fly off). The Koi will fight over them.
At night I have lights around the pond - the low voltage kind - and also the low voltage spotlights. I've gone out quietly and I've spotted the Koi - and only the Koi, swimming, skimming the surface, actively hunting the surface for any bugs that land on the water.
So don't worry about ants. Your fish are meant to eat bugs - it's adds protein to their diet. It's also gives them fun - the fun of the chase.
Good luck with your pond.
You can see some photos of mine on my 360 site -

It should be completely fine. All fish survive on a diet that includes insects in the wild.
yes that is their natural food as well as ants eggs
Yes, its healthy and natural as ants have around 33% more protein than beef.
But there is a risk of getting some sort of health problems from it.
Hope this help
They are eating all the bugs that fall in all the time. You only have noticed the ants. They are protien, natural, and as ok as any other critter to find itself unfortunately in the pond.

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