Ive had a black veil angelfish for about 6 months now, ironically called lucifer! I know angelfish can be aggressive towards smaller fish and other angels but he's started sneaking up behind any fish with its back turned and biting them, even my leopard plec and pim pictus catfish, (the plec's twice his size) He already killed four other fish and ate half my snails flesh. Is this normal or is there something wrong with this fish!?
first of all, how big is your tank? hopefully it is 55 gals or larger, because much smaller and your bound to have agressive fish when they're cramped. if your tank is large enough though, i would say that he is being agressive because he is simply the most agressive species in the tank. if you want to try adding some fish again, i would suggest fast moving schooling fish, like danios, but be sere to get at least 6 or more. a large group of quick little fish may confuse him into not attacking any of thefish in the school. just this method has worked in my 125 gal tank, where i have 4 angelfish and a school of 6 danios. i also have three varous species of catfish, a rope fish, and a pleco. i have found that with enough hiding spaces, all of the fish are safe from the angels. just some ips to throw your way:
1. stay away from slow moving creatures such as snails or water frogs.
2. if you have enough room, add a school of small quick fish (not neons! these are natural angelfish prey.)
3. make sure you have enough room in your tank for an angel fish in the first place; the more room for a fish, the less aggressive he will be.
4. leave plenty of non-angelfish accessable hiding places for your other fish.
Angelfish are known to eat smaller less passive tank mates. You should not mix angelfish with other species.
its noraml..angel fish hate sharing with others...and theyll eat anything in its tank...so u might want to seperate it from the others before its the last in the tank%26#92;
and if u do seperate it...u should get a bambbo plant and put it in the water with the fish..my angel loves that privacy and hidding.make sure u put marbles at the bottom..like the falt knid
angels are not community fish,they are better kept in more than a group[ of five and on there own,
i would of thought after you had your angel kill your other fish you would of removed it.
i have 4 angels in a community tank and don't have any problems ,maybe I'm just lucky,mine are very laid back and i have 4 that tend to stick in pairs.
Sometimes aggression will be increased if the tank is confined, but with all those fish you've mentioned I would imagine you've got a fair sized tank.
Angels are usually decent community tankmates, but every now and then we encounter an unusually aggressive specimen. One thing you can try is moving him to isolation for a while, rearranging the ornaments in the tank, and then re-introducing them. There is a small chance this will help. If it doesn't, do your fish a favour and remove him.
yes you have one mad fish who is no angel, mine are fine until I put live bait in there, but once its all gone they are fine again. They are all madddddddd I tell ya
You have a rogue angelfish and being black is making it worse. It intends to be master of the tank. It is best that you did'nt keep any cichlids in the same tank.
i had a community talk and i had a pair of angle fish in it. things were ok till one day the black one of mine started to attack my gold and whiteone. it also attacked my neons and other fish
i had to seperate the angel fish from the others. is it a thing associated with colour? it seems coincidental that my black one went like it as well.
I used to keep (and breed) Angelfish many years ago and found that this sort of behaviour seemed to be very common-particularly with the black ones for some reason.
The normal coloured ones were often quite aggressive towards their own species and anything that was small enough to be eaten but black ones-even when they were comparatively small-could be right devils.
I put one of the worst ones (about 2 inches body diameter) into a tank with some very large cichlids and it even started to fight with a Blue Acara that was about 6 inches in length and very aggressive full grown male Firemouth Cichlid.
In the end, although Angelfish are still one of my favourites, I stopped keeping them altogether, they just weren't worth the aggro..
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