if you are going to be and asshole or say something rude please don't ******* answer if you can help or know something about it please answer thank for your help
sounds like poor water quality. Red spots arent very decriptive enough. do you me open sores? or just red dots. which can be hard to tell if the goldfish is orange.
but sounds like poor water quality. It can be from lack of WCs or lack of gallons. But try a water change and aquarium salt and alittle stress coat.
That seems to work for me.
But if you can post a pic that would be better in IDing it.
Sorry, they are sick, %26 dying. Im sorry but I thnk its too late. You can go to a local petstore %26 ask them, they may give you a medication to drop in the water. BUT, it has happened in the past with our fish too. MAny years of fish in the house %26 its happened a handful of times. Once they get the spots they die in 2-3 days. Sorry. Try the pet store if you really want, but I think its too late.
i looked it up and found that u may need to clean to the tank with antibacterial cleaner. Also, sometimes these spots are cause from stress. maybe age, something in the tank, or another fish could be causing these spots. good luck! u may want to talk to a vet also.
They may have ICH. The red spots may or may not have anything to do with it. Look at them closely, if you can see white crystal like spots on them, you need to get something at the pet store, OR walmart that will get rid of this condition. I'm sorry I don't know the name of it but it has ICH on the box.
Ask your local pet store owner. Describe the condition and ask them what can be done. They can die pretty quickly if they don't get treated. Also try cleaning out the aquarium or bowl. Scrub the sides with a sponge or scrubber. Good luck with the poor babies. I hope the rest of them get well!
I'm sorry to hear about your fish. I think it sounds like they are stressed. How big is the tank? Goldfish produce a lot of waste so first change 25% of the water making sure you dechlorinate the water. Add stress coat if you can.
Take a sample of your water to the local fish store and get them to test it just incase. Do you have an airstone? Redenning can be a sign of lack of oxygen, changing some of the water can help with this but if you do not have filteration then this would be the long term solution.
Check this site http://www.tropicalfishcentre.co.uk/dise... for information, it gives several causes and also has pictures to identify different diseases.
I hope you have some luck, I recently lost two very much cherished goldies and it broke my heart.
It sound's as if they are stressed, Do you know if they are fighting each other or nipping at each other's fin's and body? And do try to change the water, it relly help's. This is what I do when my gold fish get red soures on them, put the one that has the soure's into a breding net and leave it in the tank, so it will still be in the water, but no other fish can bother it and it can heal at it's own phase. It may seem like at first the gold fish does'ent like it in the net but it will settle over night and get use to it. I hope your goldfish get well soon.
They have bacterial infection and I suspect both internal and externally. I also suspect your water quality is not good.
Change 50% water twice a week for next 2 weeks. Add 0.01% salt (1g per 1 litre of water you change) into the water after you've done changing.
Buy a bottle of anti-bacteria and dose as recommended. If it's not too late you should be able to see improvement in a weeks time.
Good Luck.
Red spots means the water is bad, and there is ammonia or nitrite poisoning, or there could be a bacterial infection. By the rude way you word your question, I would guess that people have told you before that you have too small a tank -- if your tank is smaller than 20 gallons chances are she is killing them with bad water. If those poor fish are in 10 gallons or less, you can change the water every day and htey will still have poisoning. If you dont want to hear the truth and just want the fish to die and to hear what you want to hear, that is a shame. These are living creatures. Good luck!
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