Friday, May 8, 2009

My oranda developed sores or cuts on it's mouth, now they've healed, but he lost part of his bottom lip. help

i bought 2 goldfish about a month ago. an oranda and a ryukin. a few days later, the oranda developed sores or maybe cuts on his mouth. (i wonder if he cut himself on one of the plastic plants, he liked to chew them). they healed pretty quickly (a couple of days) but he lost part of his bottom lip from it and can't eat very well and spends a lot of time at the bottom of the aquarium. The ryukin never suffered any illness or injury and is very healthy. has this happened to anyone else out there, what else could have caused it, and how do i help my poor oranda? (2 fish, 20 gallon tank, weekly water changes, all numbers are good, no more plastic plants)
Goldfish love to pick up gravel and move it about and they also love to nibble on plants, of course, preferably alive, but they're not going to learn that the plants aren't edible until they've tried it once. Yes, goldfish can get cut on plastic plants. That's why I always run my fingers over every piece of anything that goes into my tank. If it feels even the least bit rough or sharp, I smooth it out. He's healing and that's good. You may want to peak his interest in food by feeding special treats like brineshrimp, krill, bloodworms, etc. Yes, these are rich treats only to be given once or twice a week, but if he isn't eating, then it's a better alternative. Unfortunately, his lip won't grow back and there really isn't anything you can do about it other than to make sure he eats, even if it requires personal hand-feedings.
its sick maybe its the water get a vet or a fish specialist
Depending on how much tissue was lost, it's entirely possible that some or most of his lip tissue will grow back. It will probably be slightly deformed, much like a scar on a person.
Odds are very high the cause was the plastic plants.
Hi, You do well to get rid of your plastic plants! however if you don't want real plants a really good alternative are those made from silk as these are soft %26 will not harm the fish.
it trully matter how bad it is
if its not that much and he can potentially eat and survive hell be fin in due time but the healing might look a little grotesque once it healed
but if hes getting more ill and can t eat properly you might have to put him down

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