Friday, May 8, 2009

My neon tetras changed colour?

In my fish tank I had 5 neon tetras, a catfish, and one of those little drawf frogs that live in the water (I forget their name) sadly almost all the fish died but two of the neon tetras. Yesterday I noticed that my neon tetras have no more blue colouration but all the blue turned to more red. The fish are active and show no sign of being sick. Does anyone have any ideas of why that is happening?
And just so you don't worry I will be getting more neon tetras for the lonley little guys.
Check the water temperature, the water might be too cold.
Fish tend to become lighter due to temperature change. I would purchase a thermometer, and a heater, by doing so your fish will remain at the temperature and therefore, stay the same color they were meant to be.

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