Sunday, August 2, 2009

PLEASE!! fish with swelling eye!?

my friend wants to know why her fish's eye keeps getting bigger and white. it's like popping out of it's head. it's kinda gross. how do you fix it, how did it start and what the heck is it!?
That's an infection called pop eye actually. It's a bacterial infection that often starts in the fishes liver. It usually responds well to a good antibiotic such as Maracyn TC or ampicillin. Just treat as directed on the package.
It is a common infection in fish. Your local pet store will have the medication to help the fish. It must be used before the eye ruptures.
Tis popeye. It started from as a fungal problem. you are probably going to want to buy some meds for it. You'd might want to pick it up and act fast before it gets worse.

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