Sunday, August 2, 2009

Plecs feeding? veggies?

What veggies will plecs eat and how should I prepare them?
I also have a molly, 2 xray tetras, 1 flame tetra and a guppy.what veggies will they eat how should I give it to them?
Plecos will eat thinly sliced cucumbers, just drop them to the bottom of the tank as you would an algae wafer. You can also purchase fruit clips from pet stores which suction cup to the side of the tank. Be sure to remove any veggie waste after about an hour. As for the guppies and tetras, just stick to blood worms or black worms. If you really want to feed veggies to your guppy, you can try boiled peas.
The Pleco will eat almost anything. Any aquatic plants you have, it will eat. The best things to give them are zucchini, cucumber, and lettuce. If you give it lettuce or zucchini, boil it first to soften it up. Mollies will eat algae, and neither of them will really go after any veggies, they would prefer some frozen bloodworms instead.

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