Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pot bellied mollies?

If i get por bellied mollies and the have fry, Will any actually make it to adult hood, And is it true that pot bellied mollies are disabled or somthing?
Yes the will breed and make it to adult hood if given proper water conditions and a resonable size tank,
~ GG
Yes they will breed and with proper care will grow to full size in a year or so. They have been bred for the "balloon" shape, and they are able to live like most other mollies.
I think what you mean when you say, "disabled," is that their genetic makeup has been compromised. To achieve the pot-belly, these fish are highly in-bred, and this, thus, reduces their life expectancy. Because of this, pot-bellied mollies, also known as balloon mollies, only have about a 1 to 1 1/2 year life expectancy. They are still able to breed and reproduce, but they live very short lives.

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