Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pregnant molly symtoms?

I have a dalmation molly that is pregnant. I was wondering how to tell if she was going to have babies soon. She was pregnant when I got her, and I don't know how long she was, and I think she might have them soon, but I can't tell. If you could help me, that would be great!
OMG, these answers terrible
The gestation period is 28 days with livebearers
If you can't see the gravid spot, the best thing to go with is the squary appearance females get just before birth beneath there head
here is an example of a guppy

As for the fry, don't put the female in a breeder, they are way to small for her and she will only be stressed out and most likely abort her babies
The best thing to do is getting a bunch of live plants for your tank where your fry can hide

Hope that helps
Good luck

Dogs have babies in like...2 months?
is it a fish or a dog

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