Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pot bellied mollie?

Are pot bellied mollie fry born with pot bellies or are they just like normal mollies?
There born just like your avreage mollie.
~ GG
I think you mean balloon mollies. A fish with a sticking out stomach. When balloon mollie fry are born they look like any other fry. Little clear specks with eyes , a heart and a stomach. You willl only be able to see what your fry will look like in adulthood after a few months
All mollies are the same species so they can interbreed. If you have serveral type of mollies in a tank there is no teling what they will look like.
If you are certain that the parents are both pot belly mollies then they should like like the parents. The babies will need a place to hide or they will be eaten.
It is best to put them in their own tank after birth.
Yeah, Balloon Molly babies look just like pretty much all other baby fish. I have over 30 of them myself right now! They're about 1 week old and look exactly like the baby Lyretails I have. I hope this helps!

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