Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pregnant fish?

i think my guppie is pregnant i have a net for the fry and a breeding thing to put the prgnant fish in. will it hurt the pregnant fish if i put her in to early because its kindof a small space. and also what is the best way to tell when she is about to release her babyswithen like a day.
Just let her be in her tank, she and the babies will be fine, as long as you add a lot of live plants for the fry to hid
Here is a video that shows a guppy about 2 hours before birth, if you watch carefully you will see that she has a sqared appearance beneath her head
I wouldn't move her, it will just stress her out
And I wouldn't net the babies out either, because they grow much faster and healthier in a big environment then in a small confined space

Hope that helps
Good luck

just let her lay her eggs then u can pick them up with a net and do wat u wanna do with them.
I would put her in now. Guppies are live bearers so there are no eggs to pick up. She will be fine as long as you don't leave her in there for too long.
Guppies are livebearers and they will have anywhere from 20-200 live babies, they have the fry every four weeks so by the time one batch is growing up youll have another being developed, female guppies can hold multiple patches of sperm so she can get pregnent one time and have 4-5 groups of babies, her gravid spot, the dark spot by her anal fin will become black and big when she is about to have them, if you look at her from the front her belly will look square, ide put her in the breeder net for a few days and she will be fine, but as soon as she has them you need to seperate them because she will eat the baby fry, good luck
Guppies are livebearers, which means they DO NOT lay eggs. They give live births. There is a 99.9% chance that she is pregnant. If she's with males, then yes, she's pregnant. If she was fat with a dark gravid spot when you got her, then yes, she pregnant. Female guppies are almost always pregnant. I've only ever seen one female guppy in my life that wasn't pregnant. DON'T MOVE HER ANYWHERE! Just think of the stress that goes into moving fish from one tank, to another. Now, double that stress. That's what your female is feeling. It's too dangerous for her to feel that much stress while giving birth. She will either die, or her fry will die, or they will both die. I'm telling you right now, DON"T MOVE HER AT ALL! Just scoop the babies out of the tank after she gives birth!
You can never reallly tell when she will realease her fry. Usually though, when she starts hiding more often, and the males seem to bother her more often, I'd say she's ready to give birth. If it makes you feel better, you can move the males. The males seem WAY more hardy then the females, and plus, their not pregnant! This will give the female much more ease while giving birth.
Hope that helped! Good luck!
no it wont hurt her
i would put her in, but if you are unsure you can put her in a tank with lots of plants. that way, even if you put her in to late, the frys are able to swim away from her and hide in the foliage.
hi my guppy fish was pregnant had had around 20 babies and week has gone and she was still fat and today she has just died could there be babies inside her still and what should we do with her. and what could she of died of cose she was swimming around this moring

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