Sunday, August 2, 2009

Please help algae?

I have a 30 gallon tank with a 60 gallon filter. I have 1 glass fish, 2 cory's, 1 male mollie, 5 neon tetras, and I am not sure how many guppies (maybe 12, left from the last fry). I am getting alot of brown colored algae on the (fake) plants and I am not sure how to get rid of it. Spraying them during water change use to work and when that didnt work I tired using a toothbrush but that doesnt work all that well. Is there anything I can use to help with removing this algae. I never had a problem with it before so I am really unsure what to do.
get a simple algae eater or golden dojo. they love algae. you could also get some freshwater snails. most pet stores will have some variety of them
remove the fish and like pick them off wit tweezers? my friend has those things on their tank and it doesnt bother them so i guess u can just leave it alone

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