Sunday, August 2, 2009


Do you think its possible to raise 50 platie fry from fry to about 1inch, With daily water changes of 50% and extra filteration?
I think there would be a disease out break or they would probibly be stunted.
~ GG
Anything is possible, the question is, is it probable or likely or... humane? Okay, so you have about a 15-20 gallon tank. Water changes and super filtration is not all there is to it. It's also a matter of stunting and diseases. To raise 50 platy to 1 inch in size (and what do you do with them then?) and assuming they all survive, to raise them in a healthy way so they grow well, you honestly need about a 60 gallon aquarium. If you don't have the fry yet, don't encourage it if you can't provide a good environment. If you do, well, it would be better to get a larger tank or split them up into a couple of tanks. Otherwise, you are most likely going to lose more fish than you normally would.
It is possible yeah. 2 feet by what? Fry themselves initally are not going to cause any problems in terms of your filtration at 50, nor take up excessive space. As they start to grow out to that one inch, then you'd need to hip up those changes more. I don't think you need to even go so far as 50%. Consider the overall mass of the fish at first. That's a high number, but in terms of waste volume, very little. Your biggest taxation on your filtration would be excess food, and not the fish themselves, initially. As long as you have enough surface area for oxygenation as they grow out, you could do that and transfer them to longer term holding as needed. Only disadvantage to having that many in one tank, is all it'd take is one thing to get in there...ich, droopsy ect...and there you go, mass spreading.
If you need further advice, feel free to contact me in private via my profile.
Sure, but 50% water changes every day is excessive. Cut it back to 10% water changes, especially if you are doing it every day. If you change 1/2 the water every day you are going to change the water chemistry too much and stress the fish out, leaving them more prone to disease. The bioload from fry is very small, especially platy fry as they are very little fish. Don't be surprised if you lose a few. It'd be unusual to have every little fry from that big of a drop survive. Good luck with them, though!

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