Sunday, August 2, 2009

Problems with spawning Bettas ; The bubble nest?

I, by the way, got my breeding info off
Alright, so I had my male in the tank and my female in the chimney. He flared at her, ect. ect. I left her in there a whole day! The next day, I looked...there was no bubble nest or nests anywhere?
So, I tried letting the female in, and then hoping he would build it then. No luck. The male chased her, flared, ect. and she showed interest, and there's still no bubble nest. I had them together for about 2 hours now. I put in the half stirofoam cup, I have the heater, corner filter, and they're in a 10 gallon tank! I don't understand why he won't blow bubbles?!
Did you condition them both? If the male isn't in breeding condition then he will not blow a bubble nest. Seperate them for a week or so and try again. Be sure to feed them both foods that are full of protein.
you will need to condition them for a week or two prior to introduction with lots of delicious yummy food, then let them see each other for another week or so, do not let them in with each other until the female is bulging with eggs, and there's a bubble nest. this is where indian almond leaf (IAL) is really handy, it's like betta aphrodisiac!
i would lower the water level as well, half full is fine, about 6" deep. and turn off the filter, or use a sponge filter, any kind of surface movement will ruin any chance of a successful nest. you can use an IAL to float on the top, the male needs something to anchor the nest to.
if still nothing, maybe your guys just don't fancy each other!
I agree with Luvin Life on this one but I wanted to add that you don't want to add the female with the male untill he has already blown bubble nests after seeing her once they are both conditioned. Then it is time to put them together.
Are they conditioned?
Did you try a water change?
Maybe your pair just aren't suitable for each other?
go to
You need to condition your bettas for at least two weeks, not just a day. If you put them together and there is any aggression, it means one or both of them are not ready to breed.
Betta breeding is all about patience.
Try separating them for a few days leaving the male in the breeding tank, making sure both are well fed and water temp is at arnd 80F. Sometimes it takes a few attempts to get them to do it right especially if both of them has no breeding experiences.

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