Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pregnant Platy?

I have 3 dwarf sunburst platies in my 39 gallon tank. two of them have big bellies and i don't know if the're eating too much or if the're pregnant. How can i tell? and if they are pregnant, should i move them to my 7 gallon tank? i feed them twice a day and they eat it all in about a minute.
It's hard to find a platy that isn't preggers. During their pregnancy, you'll notice a small darker spot right by her opening. Chances are that they are pregnant and give birth at 4-5 weeks in. The babies are born live so no eggs.
Addition: All platies are livebearers. No eggs.
try feeding them once a day and then give it a week. if there belies are still big by then there probley pregnant. ifyour not sure still start looking for eggs on the bottom of the tank or on of your gravel if you have gravel.
Best way to tell is not to feed them for a few days (they'll be fine don't worry). If they slim up it's probably overfeeding. My guess is they are prego. If there are more than just those three in your tank I would but them in the 7 gallon; I fine doing it sooner is better so they don't get to stressed right before there due date. Hope this helps.

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