Thursday, July 30, 2009

Need some more betta help?

I resuced another betta today. Half dead in a filthy bowl at the lps. He's in clean water w/ some aquarium salt and a heating pad to help warm it up. Anything else I can do? He's now down at the bottom not looking so good. He looks a little skinny but he won't eat yet, other than that, his color looks pretty good considering. Any suggestions that might help him out a little more than I've done already?
I just couldn't leave him at the pet store, he was upside down in the bowl. I actually thought he was dead, but he moved. I don't really expect him to make it, but I'm gonna do my best to help him. So, if you have any helpful advice, other than ending his misery, I'm willing to give it a try. Thanks
I think you have done at that is reasonable at this point. Many people suggest such things as bettafix etc to be added tot he water, but I don;t. I would suggest that clean water is the best thing at this point and if you add enough salt it will act as a better preventative than the various chemical additives. Add 1 tablespoon per 2 gallons of water, but add it slowly by scooping out some water and dissolving the salt in it, then pouring back a little of that water every hour or so until it's all added over the course of 4-5 hours. Also, he has had one sudden change in his water chemistry already, adding other chemicals would only make for more changes and therefore more stress.
You will of course want to watch carefully for any signs of disease and be ready to treat accordingly.
A peaceful spot for the bowl would also be a good idea so that he can adjust to his new environment more easily.
Best of luck with him and if I can help further, feel free to email me.
Make sure you keep track of the temperature. You don't want it to go over 80 degrees. Freeze dried or frozen worms sometimes gets sick bettas to eat. Hikari makes something called betta revive that usually helps too.
It sounds like you are doing great. Bettas are so beautiful. I hate to see them neglected. I hope he makes it hon. You will know that you gave him a really good chance however it turns out though.
Take him off the heat you are most likely buning him up bettas can live in all kindas of water temp but not really really hot water!
give him some food and make his last hours the most comflterbuly you can becuz from the sounds of it hes not going to make it im so sry
It sounds like you have done the best that you can for now. Keep checking on the betta fish. If you notice a sudden come back, then, try to feed the betta fish some betta fish food. It sounds like you have everything else undercontrol, other then that! Thanks, and I am glad that you rescued him! Thanks, and good luck,
~ Future Vet
The only thing I have ever done for my Bettas is put them in one of those tanks with the light and bubbler and I use only Spring water, at room temp. I have never used salt or any type of chemical for my fish! I turn theit light on only a couple hours a day and feed them 3 times a day. I have had them over a year now and they are doing great! GooD Luck! You sound like your doing a good job.
if he doesn't eat, don't worry, cause when i always change my betta's water he doesn't want to eat, but a few hours later he'll eat, just don't overfeed him.
and i think you'll done.

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