Friday, July 31, 2009

Platy breeding??

I have a male and female dwarf platy in a 5 gallon tank with a betta and 2 otto cats. will they breed? i really want them to. all my riends with fishtanks really want a couple but cant find them any where. so if you have any advise on getting them to breed PLEASE help!!!
Platies will breed, yes. That's almost all they do! LOL The betta will eat the babies, though (as will the platies), so make sure you remove the babies as soon as you see them and put them in a seperate tank or in a breeding net. There isn't anything really special to make a platy breed. Sometimes bumping the temp helps, but they'll breed on their own with no help from you as long as they are both sexually mature.
Your tank is over stocked, if you want them to breed get a 10 gallon tank and put them there, once they lay eggs remove the father and mother and raise the fry.
If you aren't familiar with breeding fish the fry will die after a couple of tires you will get it.

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