Thursday, July 30, 2009

One of my angel fish is swimming funny?

i wrote a question last night regarding my nitrate levels being sky high and the tap water being high in nitrate to.
tonight i could not find one of my angel fish,he is 2 years old fully grown and was hiding in the castle in the tank, i got him out but hes swimming on his side in the tank,but now hes swimming ok out of the tank,i dont know if its swim bladder or maybe the high nitrate levels that is causing this.
im taking him to the aquatic shop tomorow for them to have a look does any one have any ideas what it could be
Depends what you mean by "High" in nitrates. Tap water shouldn't be high and if it is, I'd try contacting the water company.
You could try one or other of the nitrate reducing "pillows" but they won't help if you have to top up with tap water containing a lot of nitrate. Are you sure your test kit hasn't got contaminated?
Partial water changes with distilled or de-ionised water would be a possibility but unless you have a ready supply of them the price might be a bit high.
Have you got any means of collecting rain water? I use it almost exclusively for my tetra tank and have done for years. I wouldn't recommend such soft water for Angels but it would help to dilute the nitrates if you mixed it with the tap water.
By the way, it is NITRATES, not NITRITES you are talking about isn't it? Nitrites are quite toxic and are converted into nitrates by bacteria. Overfeeding and/or overstocking with fish are the usual causes of high levels of these materials.
If it's a new tank it may not have had enough time to build up a healthy bacterial population yet, try adding a bit of Stress-Zyme.
Your feeding to much.It has constipation.9o% of fish with swim
bladder dies.Save your time and accept.Your other fish are OK
with the tank.It's a fine balance keeping fish to how you do keep fish.What you like to see doesn't mean what you see is right.
Get fish which will be able to tolerate mistakes.Then you will
have more alive.
one f mine did this the other week for about days and then died, we separated him into new tank with treated water and were very careful, but he still died, all started with swimming sideways.
I find it a bit odd that your tap water is high in nitrates. Can you replace some of your tank water with bottled water to help things? Either way if they're too high that's going to be bad for your fish. How are the nitrites doing? They can't be great either if nitrates are high. Screams get some fresh water in there to me.

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