Friday, July 31, 2009

Oscar and swordtail?

Is it ok if i add a small baby oscar to a tank with a female swordtail? The oscar will be a small one so its not yet big enough to eat the oscar and i'm hoping that by the time it will be big enough to do so, they will be friends...
You can put them in the same tank, but an oscar being a cichlid will not ever allow the sword tail to survive, even small oscars are nit pickers and will harass the sword tail to death. Oscars are very aggressive at all sizes.
If you are looking to get a large fish that is not going to bother your sword tail I would shoot for large tetras.
Fish are not easily conditioned to tolerate unnatural relationships, they very rarely work out.
no mate thats stupid
as fish mature their insticts become more strong
bye bye swordie
p.s a oscar nedds a at least 40 gallon tank for full size
this is not a good idea at any age
I have a 14 inch Oscar that lives in peace with 2 large Plecos
Well, actually i have tried something similar to this, and it worked out, but then after a while, when the Oscar got big, it started to bother the other fish, but while its a baby, i have nothing to worry about.
Good Luck
You may have kind intentions but I doubt the outcome will be favourable.
Though the oscars may be small in size, it will still attempt to nip/if not kill the swordtail for food. Unless you have spacious tank will alot of plants for the swordtails to hide..
Good luck, pal.
Hey Gatorade
Fish are never friends - it's not how it works. As soon as the Oscar can eat your swordtail, he will.
Keep in mind that Oscars do need 50 gallon tanks or larger to grow into, so make sure you plan right and don't even get this fish if you don't have a big enough tank - he may be small now but they grow big and they grow fast, and are very messy to boot.

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