Friday, July 31, 2009

Planning on a 30-40gallon tank..i dont want to mess up.?

ok right now i have a 1.77gallon fish tank with a goldfish and every one tells me is a very bad idea and it'll die really fast. so im planning to buy a 30-40 gallon tank. now what i need to know is what kind of fish should i put in there and how many.i would like to put gold fish, catfish, guppies, mollies and any other ones that look please can any one tell me if i can put these to gether and any other cooler ones? oh and last thing does mother guppies eat babies or just fathers? thanks
A 30-40 gallon tank has tons of possibilities and you are playing it very smart to play well ahead of getting the tank. The only think I see wrong with your list of fish is a few details. It's better not to mix goldfish with most other fish as they have quite different requirements. Also, some catfish will easily outgrow your 30-40 gallon tank, so be sure to research the adult size of any fish that you are interested in keeping.
Both parents will eat baby guppies, in fact, almost any other fish will eat them if they can catch them.
If I can help more, feel free to email me.
Before you add any other fish to your aquarium in addition to your goldfish, you may want to research fish or ask the store personnel about the specific fish you are interested in. Goldfish are cool water fish, and some other fish, such as the mollies, are tropical fish, meaning they require warmer water temperatures than goldfish. Also, keep in mind that goldfish grow to be pretty big, so if you purchase small fish, in the long run they will be eaten by the goldfish.
Good luck!

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