Thursday, July 30, 2009

New Sea Horses?

I just got a pair of sea horses yesterday and was wondering:
Why the female hasnt eaten and the male did after only 2 hours?
Why dont they move much, i know they arnt meant to ALOT?
Because she hasnt eaten should i try live food since BOTH WERE WILD CAUGHT OLNY 2 DAYS B$ I GOT THEM?
I have been feeding them a range of frozen shrip
WC seahorses are bad news!! Bad news for a beginner to keeping seahorses and bad news to the most expierenced seahorse keepers. First off are they in quarentine? if not did you at least give them a 3-5 min freshwater dip being they are wild caught befor you put them in your tank? There are SO many things that can go wrong with WC seahorses that i cant even begin to help. I know some people dont agree with sending others to different forums for help but if i were you i would go to create an account and ask around there. That site is setup specifically for seahorse care there are a multitude of pics to look through for diagnosing disease and many forums that can get you much better help. Seahorses dont really move much and they were just pulled from their home 2 days ago as you said so they are shocked pretty bad right now and may take some time to really warm up. The problem with WC seahorse's are endless and beyond that their numbers are really going down in the wild so you should only get CB seahorses. Get yourself over to make an account and ask around there. It may take up to a day to get your account approved but it is free and there is much better help over there for your seahorses.
use livefood or aggitate the water with frozen food they may feed then.
Maybe she isn't used to her new environment
O.k. first they only move 1cm every 2 hours. 2nd you should feed them food you buy at pet stores. 3rd give them time to get used to their new habitat, after all they have been moved from place to place continuously. So... relax it`s all normal.
They are just getting used to the new tank, they will have been stressed from being removed from their natural environment and then being moved into your tank.
I had my convicts in with my big cichlids and had to move them into community tank for their own safety and then i moved them again into a new tank.
They hardly ate and hid for a good few days and hardly moved.
They have since settled in nicely and have had babies.
Your sea horses will eat once they feel safe and have gotten used to the tank.
They will be fine without food for a few days, make sure you have plenty of places for them to hide as this will make them feel more secure and reduce stress.

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