Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My water snail has gone hard where it is suppose to be soft ??

my snail inside bit where the body bit is is gone hard. like it has blocked the outter bit with some hard shell. what is going on? is he dead ?!!
The hard thing is the operculum or trap door. Snails use this as a form of protection. Do you have any semi aggressive fish in the tank like loaches, barbs, or even gouramis? All of these fish species have been known for picking at snails. You should also offer sinking pellets for the snails to chew on. The snail can smell the food and should eventually come out to eat, as long as it is not being harrassed.
are you sure that your snail is in there and that he didnt move out of the shell?, take his shell into the petshop.
most larger snails have a shell piece that they can use to cover the opening into their house shell in times of danger. it could be dead, or it could be simply trying to protect itself. if it is dead, the piece will fall off in a day or 2 and you will see dead snail in the shell or an empty shell. if it is not dead, you will see it moving around (or at least the shell will be in a different area of the tank that it could not have just rolled to w/o help)

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