Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My two goldfish both have long thin poop should i worry?

i have never seen anything like this before but this my first time with a goldfish let alone a fish.
please help!!
thats what goldfish poop looks like. dont be worried
thats what fish poo looks like, my fish (3 mollies, 6 tetras) do it the same... its normal dont worry
No you shouldnt goldfish do this all the time so yea...for as long as you have the fish you will be seeing
No worry, fish all have long stringy poo.
try it for the world record!!
No, they shouldn't have long stringy poop. This is usually a sign that they're constipated from too much food, or they're stressed. You should only give the fish enough to eat in about 2-3 minutes, twice a day, and remove any food that's uneaten after the time's up. And if you're only giving him dry food (flakes or pellets) add some variety to his diet by adding some veggies (cooked green peas with the skins removed, a slice of cucumber or zucchini, or dark leafy greens (romaine lettuce, collard greens, kale). It helps if the foos is frozen or cooked for a little while first to soften it, so they can eat it better.
It's probably not a reason for serious worry but it's good that you pay attention and notice it. Normally is should fall off before it gets very long and the fact that it is hanging on is usually just a sign of constipation or stress depending on how thick or thin it really is in relation to their body. Chances are they're just a little bit constipated from either eating too much or the wrong foods. There are a few things you could do but you'd probably be best suited to just cutting back a touch on their food (they should be able to eat EVERYTHING in 2-5 minutes).
Again, it's great that you are paying attention. The way a fish swims, eats, and relieves itself are the keys to telling any changes to it's health. So keep watching your fish. It's both the best way to enjoy them and the best way to care for them.
No. Not a big deal. Just add a very little iodine salt taken by your thumb and index finger to your fish tank. This depends on how much water is in the tank. I am assuming you are only talking about just two fish in a small pond. And to make it sure you can change the food to a different variety and see the result. Good luck with your gold fish. enjoy
no u shouldn't worry my gold fish do it but u should see if it falls off easily if it doesn't that usually means that constipated hopefully Ive answered ure?

1 comment:

  1. I don't understand how they would be constipated if they are pooping? I would understand if they weren't pooping. Can someone explain?
