Saturday, May 22, 2010

Question about Betta's?

If bettas are so territorial how do they produce? It鈥檚 been bothering me I need to know!
Male Bettas (Siamese fighting fish) are intolerant of other males. Most females will tolerate other females -- if the aquarium is large enough.
The reproductive cycle of the Betta is fascinating:
Male Bettas will build a bubble nest of their saliva. This next can be several inches across, and extend up to half an inch out of the water. Then the male wraps himself around the ripe female and squeezes the eggs out of her and fertilizes them as they fall. He then picks them up in his mouth and blows them back into the nest.
If the female doesn't leave after her eggs are all extruded, the male may beat her up, frequently ripping her fins.
In about 24-36 hours, the eggs hatch. At first the male tries to put the babies back into the nest. Then, as the babies become free-swimming (in about 5 days), he must be removed or he may eat them.
I understand that in Thailand these fish live in water that is fairly cloudy and muddy, so they are not as aware of each other as they are in our clean, small aquaria. And, that's why they can breathe air, with an organ somewhat similar to our lungs
Beautiful fish! And, smarter than people think -- they are relatively easy to train.
Males will fight if put together. Intoroduce the male to the female and if they look like they will harm each other they may not be interested in reproducing. Remov the male at once and tomorow try it out. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER put males in the same tank. They will fight until someone dies. An then the other one will probly die l8tr of injuries. I used to have a male betta. He was blue and purpleand his name was blue Denom. ANd if any one knows how to put pics on these tell me right away. Ill show you Blue Denom.
in the wild?
in the rice paddies there are plenty of room for fishes to swim into eachothers area. Males will generally not leave their territory so when a female is ready to breed and comes by they will breed.
In aquaria?
Female bettas show signs when they want to breed. Not all male bettas are killers. i have 3 plakat males in the same tank, and last week when i got my shippment of plakat females, i revieved at least 40 /100 of them were shorttail males, they lived with eachother and the females.
Anyway, female bettas will bar up verticle and swim head down in an S pattern and have their fins close to their body.
This is the dance that when the male is ready will understand and they will breed.
More breeding info can be found on my betta site
Male bettas are territorial and more than likely will fight til death. My grandma raised them as a kid in her basement. Mostly males and females get along. If you're trying to get them to mate I would put the tanks side by side for a day or two and see how they act. If they puff up it's not a good sign.

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