Saturday, May 22, 2010

Ready to start research on saltwater?

i have had cichlids for years nad would like to start learning about a saltwater tank, i want to FULLY learn about a salt water setup and keeping salt fish before even thinking about starting one, i like to do things right the first time, so today i ask about equipment what different than fresh water tanks.. and how does the salt get mixed in,, any and all answers will help.. doesnt only have to be equipment..thanx
First mix salt and water in a bucket you will also need a declorinater. crushed coral at the bottom is easier than sand. once you get your tank filled and filter running go get some live rock to help cycle your tank 1 lbs per gallon is the norm. then sit back and wait about 4 weeks and get your water tested. once it is fine buy some damsel fish they only cost like 3 bucks each and if they live for a couple of weeks take them back and get the fish you want. here is a great website
Wow what a coincedence I just got back from a trip on this stuff
youll need a salinity tester so you can know how much salt water there is in a tank
i just set up another 10 gallon SW tank about 30 mins ago.
Basically, im farily new in SW, but the short version, is
always get a bucket. You will need it to mix freshwater and the salt mix. By using the hydrometer you need to find the specific gravity of that solution. The general safest is 1.020
Hydrometers vary, but i have a hydro and temp reader all in one. From aqua gardens or something.
I just used a salt water mix of instant ocean, the good thing is that it is already measured for a 10 gallon, but you would still like to mix the mixture outside of the aquarium.
There a plenty of SW mixs for ubstrate, like crushed coral and reed sand mixes.
Like FW going bigger is better, but u can go with a small tank as a starter.
The other equip is like freshwater, filter, heater, light.
You might need to get a protien skimmer, but i would only use it on larger tanks.
When the salt is at a safe SG and PH get some live coral, but make sure you have the correct lighting strip.
you can go with a reef set-up or fish only, but fish only looks really bare, so i would get some corals and rocks, inverts. etc..
For a successful SW get some inverts like shrimp and snails, and some simple fish like a false pecliuca clown,
But base your stocking according to your gallons.

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