Monday, May 24, 2010

SERIOUS fish injustice! What do I do?

My moronic office manager just ( 2 days ago ) set up 2 tiny tanks for his desk. One's 5 gallon, the other 2 gallon. Today I arrived at work to find the 5 gallon with 3 two inch long Malawi cichlids and a pleco in it, and get this- the 2 gallon with 2 two and a half inch long OSCARS and a pleco in it. He informed my concerned face that 'he knows what he's doing' 'they'll be okay in there for a year before they get too big' blah blah blah. He claims he worked at a pet shop for 5 years. I MANAGED a pet shop for 8 but "I don't know what I'm talking about." So here's the question: Do I try to help this jackass take care of these poor doomed fish, or do I wait 'till he leaves and kidnap them? My office is dreary enough without a bunch of floaters to look forward to..What would YOU do?
Unfortunately, he isn't doing anything illegal. They're his fish and there are no cruelty laws that I know of in regards to how he's keeping them. He is free to do what he wants with them, and it's legally none of your business.
So, it depends- which do you value more?
The fish?
Or your job?
If the latter, do whatever, talk to him, steal his fish, whatever else. You'll get fired before long, so do whatever.
If you value your job, leave him be and let him learn his mistake the hard way. Yes, I know this way is harder for the fish, but he obviously isn't going to listen to you.
You gave him your advice. Continuing in that vein will only piss him off. His ego is more important to him than these fish.
When the fish start getting sick, simply raise an eyebrow at him and say nothing.
The only thing I can think of that might let you help these fish AND keep your job is to buy him new tanks.
Me, I'd ignore him, and his floaters. If I worked closely with someone with that sort of ego, I'd have to go find different work. If it was just an office, and I didn't have to deal with his ego daily in the course of my job to where it effected MY work, I'd just let it go.
If you have a family that depends on your income, their interests in regards to your level of income should be a priority over a few fish and a mgr with an ego.
Talk to him again, I wouldnt suggest kidnap, but maybe getting someone with power to do something. He shouldnt be doing that at all...
I would bring him some evidence and say that your wrong and put the fish in at least a 55 gallon for now... He might need a 100 gallon to put all of the fish in there together.

Tell him who the boss is
If you take the fish, that could cause a huge problem between you and your boss, and could even risk you losing your job. Maybe bring in an outsider to talk to him (family friend or spouse) and get them to casually say "Wow, thats a really small tank for those fish...surprised they are not belly up yet!"
This way, it will not cause any tention between you and your boss in the work place (which is the worst) and it may make him realize that he should get a bigger tank if more then one person tells him so.
Since he is your manager, you are in the losing position, even if you are right. Stinks but true.
Have you considered job hunting? I have a hard time working for morons too.
What I would personally do is "bombard" him with credible, well written documentations. Print it out and show it to him. Care sheets, minimum requirements, etc. There are a ton to be found on the internet. I would say in this situation knowledge is the best route and even if he is stubborn, he might break down and admit he's wrong when presented with a lot of info.
Good luck!
well there going to die in weeks if not days and theft is theft so dont take the fish.
I dont like to see fish die but in this case if you let them die Hope he'll give up on the idea.
all i can say is that,that guy is a freaking moron,what the hell is he thinking,you know what give it another shot.and if he doesnt bite then take the fish save their lifes.

great question by the way
hoped i helped
Obviously he's totally clueless and thinks he knows the answers. I would imagine dealing with a person like that anything you do or say will only cause you grief at work. Just add him to the long list of people that buy fish and don't want to be confused with the facts.
Send him to the link in my profile... we'll straighten him out! We have a group of knowledgeable fish owners who can attempt to talk some sense into him, save the fish, and let you keep your job.

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