Saturday, May 22, 2010

Red ear water turtles?

so i got 2 yesterday and i put them in a 10 gallon tank. any one have any advice on what else i need in the tank? and is it true that they are illegal?
Wow, you might be in over your head. If they are babies then they are ok in a 10 gallon tank for now. I have a RES and she is almost a foot long at 10 years old and lives in a baby pool. Adolescent turtles will need at least a foot of water to swim in to keep healthy, a dock or dry rocks they can sit on and bask, and a heat/UV light to keep their shells healthy. They also need a warm and cool end of the tank so they can regulate their body temperature.
You also need a good filter, especially with two. I recommend duetto filters, they are cheap and last a while. They must have a carbon chamber in the filter to keep the water clean. Make sure you know what is in your water and treat it if necessary for chlorine etc.
RES are not illegal UNLESS they are sold as hatchlings because they can spread disease that way. If they are more than a few inches then they are fine.
Good luck and read up on the breed. If you keep them healtly and happy they can live to be 60 or older.
definently get some rocks for them to climb on and when they get bigger you WILL need a way bigger tank. Im not sure if there illegal, if you got them at a pet store, chances are there not.
They are not illegal as far as i know. You have red-eared sliders and they are the messiest and stinkiest of all pet turtles. I have raised several and wouln't do it again! But you WILL be needing a larger tank. Like any living creature, they need room to walk and excercise. If not, they're muscles will harden from lack of it and eventually die. They have to have a certain heat lamp in the tank also. Their shells require nourishment and vitamins because the shell IS part of the turtle and the turtle has to have heat and a variety of foods. Such as crickets, feeder fish (small), worms, possibly romaine lettuce, and pellets. They are not as easy to take care of as you think, trust me! I will never have turtles again. They get to be pricey after a while if you want healthy turtles, if you do not meet the requirements, you will see their shell deteriorate or rot and that means their not getting the nourishment they need in the body and in the shells. And make sure you keep the tank clean! Good luck

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