Monday, May 24, 2010

Saltwater Live Rock help!!?

I have had my live rock in my tank for a bout a month now and i have a 75 gallon tank with 1 sargent major, 1 chromie,1 clown fish, 2 hermi crabs, 2 white snails that stay under the sand, and last but not least 2 chocolatechip star fish. and my live rock is starting to get like this copper color on it one of my big rocks have it all on the side of it and theres patches on the other rock i just recently took out my cc and replaced it with dry sand and also some live sand and my sand has a little patch of what seems to be the same color stuff . i under stand that you have to have something moving your sand around and i havent seen the sails do it because the only come out at night and my starfish stay at the top of my tank. so what i need to know is if its normal and what i should do and is it due to the sand
2 nassarius snails is not enough for a 75 gallon tank. Id reccomend a sand sifting star and a few more nassarius snails (the white ones). is the cooper color stuff look like it is encrusting? Is it kind of lime greenish? this is probably corraline algae. you may notice in time it will turn pinkish then purple. It can become many colors its very normal. Actually really pretty once it gets deep pink and purple. It is normal for the stars to stay near the top sand sifting stars will live in the sand bed and turn up the sand much better than the nassarius snails but both serve purpose eating extra food in the sand bed and turning the sand up. So everything you are saying is very normal but for a 75 gallon tank you may want to add more snails. Id reccomend more nassarius and some mexican turba snails to eat the stuff off the rock work and glass.
Read up on all of these and i'm sure you will find the right combination of cleaners for your tank.
It is normal. The rust color is called diatoms and this is a natural part of a maturing saltwater tank. This should subside in a few more weeks.
I agree that you should increase the cleaning crew (snails, hermits...etc) but this will do little in terms of contriolling the diatoms.
Other algeas will soon take over and kill off the rust colored algea you are now seeing. This will most likely also spread onto your sandbed.

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