Like i said before, i have had my betta for over a year. he is blue and purple (and very very pretty). This may sound a little wierd, but his name is Sue.
Here are my other questions about him:
1)Have you ever mated your betta? Mine has made a huge bubble nest and i would like to mate him, but i don't know what i would do with the babies or where to get a female. (i have checked all the pet stores in my small town in Nebraska, none have females)
2)I am keeping him in a fish bowl, is that ok, or does he need more room?
3)is it wierd that i named him?? (HA HA just kidding)
1)Have you ever mated your betta? I've tried, but my males wouldn't cooperate. then hte female exploded, lol so I stopped. it's not something you jump into, it takes lots of time and patience, at least a 10gallon tank and heater, if you want to know more check out the link in my profile or email me.
2)I am keeping him in a fish bowl, is that ok, or does he need more room? bowls aren't great, bettas natual habitat is around 80掳F and that's not achievable in a bowl. also because it's cramped, so it's kind of like you having to live in an unheated closet with no toilet. I'd suggest at least a 2.5gallon with a filter and heater
3)is it weird that i named him?? not at all. I have 6 males (recently lost one when my female blew up) and all are named.
3) I name all my bettas
2) fish bowl is fine
1) never have mated but I understand dad will eat the babies
I love the blue/purple. all I can seem to find lately are reds, so don't have one right now.
I've never bred before. But here's a site with great advise:
Get females from a specialty fish store. Smaller towns may not have one, I know, look online. is a good one.
Breeding needs, at least, a 10 gallon, heated (that's important) tank. 20 gallons are better.
I love his name. You know the song "A Man Named Sue"? I don't know who wrote or sang it, but it's funny. About a man named Sue who got into fights his whole life about his name. At the end of the song, he meets his long lost, good for nothing father (also named Sue) in a bar fight and punches him in the mouth for naming him Sue.
Yes it's Country and Western at it's most twangy!
Your first answer is crap. That person knows nothing! The fathers care for the babies, the MOTHER eats them.
Fish bowls work for bettas since they can cope with the lack of oxygen in the water. Other fish usually die because fish bowls that don't have filters don't have a lot of oxygen in the water because it moves around less.
ok well #1
i hav bred bettas b4 and still do...go to mabey big als or some thing u could find a female betta there ...u will need a bigger tank mabey a 5gal.ok first dont feed the female for 2 weeks then continue not feeding them and slowly interduce the male and the female ...and wait for about 1-2 months after keeping them togather or till u see the male scooping up eggs and putting them on the bottoms of the bubbles (do not seperate them )after all the eggs are all up on the bubbles then carefully take the female out and put her in har own tank...and soon u will hav baby fish...
#2 no not for just him but if u hav a female and a male then u should get a 5gal.tank
#3yes sue is a very weird name for a MALE betta!lol jokes
3) i made it a policy never to name any of my fish, well most, i call my big mouth mouth.
2) Bowls are ok, but it is "recommended" not "required" to keep them in tanks. I keep all of my bettas in bowls but a few. With the proper care my bettas are fine. all 200 of them.
1) bubble nest are a good sign, but that doesnt mean that breeding should be done. Their is alot of work on your part that must be done. Research is key. Breeding isnt as easy as adding a male and female. You will need to condition both fishes for 2 weeks on live or fatty foods.
You will need to do alot of research like tank set-ups, signs, fry etc..
You can find betta info on breeding on my betta site
as long as the fish bowl is fairly large, then you can keep him in there. Keep checking the petstores and you may find a female one day!
Good luck!
1. Yes. I have mated bettas before. Check out the link below for more information about breeding. I also have a link where you can order betta females below too.
2. A fishbowl is not a good idea. Switch to 10-gallon tanks. You will need two: one for breeding and the other for betta fry.
1.Have you ever mated your Betta?
Yes many times the past few years. It is more to breeding Betta's than just placing the pair in the same tank. You have to purchase all the supplies, set up tank, condition the pair, and have food for the fry prepared. You must also do your research. Betta's are very aggressive even when spawning. If you don't condition them correctly you could have a tragic ending to your spawning.
Supplies are:
Food for parents that are high in protein
10 gallon tank filled only 5 inches high
sponge filter
heater set to 80 F
Tanks to separate parents (you will have to remove the female immediately after spawning or the male will kill or harm her. You will also have to remove the male from the tank when the fry are free swimming around day 4)
Fry food such as a baby brine shrimp hatchery, microworm cultures and infosuria cultures. Betta fry are very small when they start free swimming so you need to feed them tiny food for the first week and then move on to newly hatched baby brine shrimp. The fry must eat 4-6 times a day.
Small siphon or turkey baster to remove uneaten food from the fry tank.
grow out tank 20 gallons or larger or you can have 200+ bowls.
One Betta spawn can produce up to 400 eggs. So after the deformed and the weaker ones die you should have between 7-75 fry to make it to adults.
2)I am keeping him in a fish bowl, is that ok, or does he need more room?
Betta's are tropical fish and will thrive in a well planted heated filtered tank at least 2.5 gallons. They can survive in bowls with proper water changes but this has to be done right on schedule so the fish will not become ill or get fin rot. Betta's come from very large rice paddies. Most people think they are puddles. They may be shallow but they are very huge in length and width. So he would enjoy more room.
3)is it wierd that i named him??
Not at all. I have names for most of my fish.
If you have any questions or want additional information about breeding please feel free to contact me. Here are a few links that will give you some information.
3. no but the name is weird
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