Saturday, May 22, 2010

Restocking my 10

I'm restocking my 10 gallon tank. Sadly my two indian dwarf puffers both died. I'm pretty sure it was old age, they were more than a year old, both died within 2 weeks of each other (loneliness? lol)
Anyways, I currently have 4 neon tetras in there. It's cycled for a week with the help of Hagen Cycle and there are two hygros, 3 fake hornworts...[booo! :( ]and 2 pieces of driftwood.
I really really really want a German Blue ram. I had one a long time ago and loved him. Would it be wise to put in a ram with the 4 tetras? I'm thinking of replacing one of the pieces of wood with an old terra cotta pot as I know rams like caves/rock work for hiding. I just love dwarf cichlids, anything other than a ram?
Yes, they should be fine, but you know that you're suppose to have at least a 20 gallon for them right?
here is some more info about them

hope that helps
good luck

Yes, your ram should be safe with the tetras. I would also add another tetra or two, just to raise their school to a total of 5 or 6 fish, they'll feel more comfortable that way as they are schooling fish.
Yes, it should work out. Rams aren't the agressive type of cichlid, they're the small and peaceful type. Rams and Tetras both come from the Amazon as well.
I recommend Cory catfish or albino catfish. It sounds boring but they are the most active fish in my tank! And they also help keep it clean! The pet store told me they like to live in groups of 3. A really fun fish!
Check out the link below. This site will give you an idea of the appropriate fish that can be kept in a 10-gallon aquarium plus compatibility charts.

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