Monday, May 24, 2010

Saltwater Aquarium Sick Damsel?

I am on week 3 of cycling my tank. One of my blue damsels is sick, it started will just a small portion of his body missing some scales, then it progressed to most of his body and gils. Now he seems bloated and has all his remaining scales are raised and he isnt eating..what is wrong with him? what should I do? Will he infect the other fish?
Are your other damsels attacking this one it is very common for damsels to attack the weakest one in a tank sine all your other fish are okay i would watch for the other fish attacking this one.
take him out of the tank! he will infect other fish! he is gonna die but it isa better 1 fish dying than a whole tank bcuz thats what will happen if you dont take him out!
adopt an animal save an animal
i'm also on around week 3 of cycling. have you been checking your water with your hydrometer? take the water into a local fish store and have them check it. when i first started i had 2 damsels. then i got 2 emerald crabs and a peppermint shrimp. one of my damsels and emeralds died.. i think it was because of a 'hitchhiker' crab that came home in the live rock. lol
it sounds like it might be a water problem though
are you feeding them too much? or not enough?
only leave the light on for about 10 hours/day. i leave mine on for only about 5 hours for a half hour at a time.
Sounds like your damsel is sick and disease will spread quick in a marine tank. How large is the tank? how many other fish and what species? Do you have at least 1lb-1.5lbs of live rock per gallon? Do you have live sand for substrate? Do you have a test kit for pH, amonia, nitrite, and nitrate? If you do what are your readings? what is the temp of the tank? what is the sg (specific gravity)? what kind of filtration do you have in the tank? Post more info or email me and ill be happy to help. Id have to know more information, anything you can think of dealing with your water parameters and setup to really get to the bottom of it. Sounds like the damsel is most likely stressed from the levels in one of your water parameters going out of line due to the tank still cycling or the damsel could have already been ill befor you got it in your tank and the added stress from the water parameters going out of line are adding to it. A 25-30% water change may help. Again feel free to email me if you still are having problems and good luck with your new tank.
ADDITION: yes it very well could be ammonia poisoning but it can also be nitrite poisoning. It may also be from an insufficient ammount of oxygen in the water but being that you said its only this one fish than i dont think its the case but lets not rule that out 100%. If you are using an airstone to add oxygen this doesnt really help as much as you may think. Disolved oxygen gets into your water more so by breaking the water surface the benefit of having an airstone is if you have a hood or any type of cover the airstone will aloow frsh air under the hood allowing fresh oxygen disolve into your tank through the water surface. One way of breaking the water surface more effeciently would be to not fill the tank all the way up so that the water coming out the filter will splash more on top of the water. Another way would be with use of powerheads. If it is amonia or nitrite poisoning that is the problem than doing a 25-30% water change will help dilute the nitrites or amonia. If it is any of these three issue that are causing your fish to be sick id hate to say it but it may be too late for the fish being your tank is so new. Hope this helps.

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