Monday, May 24, 2010

Secret to keeping your channel catfish(es) alive... HELP!!?

they keep dying!!!!!!
channel catfish, in my opinion, shouldn't be so readily available in the aquarium trade. I saw your other question where you put 20 (?!) into a tank. You are aware of the needs of this fish aren't you? How large were the individuals you bought?
How large is your large tank? if it's under 500 US gallons, it's too small for a channel catfish to live out it's days, they really need a 1000 US gallon tank or indoor pond. they can reach anything between 25"-30" long, not including whiskers. Get a tape measure out and have a look at that!
As someone else said in your previous question, bioload and cycled tanks may also be an issue, catfish are BIG poopers!
Don't put them in your aquarium...seriously.

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