Monday, May 24, 2010

Selling fish tank for $ that too pricey?

I live in california and am selling my fish tank for $700, i paid about $1000 for everything. I bought everything for my fish tank: including the tank- 55 gallons,gravel,penguin filter,top fin water heater, 5 big rocks (two of which make bubbles and one a shipwreck), a bubble window maker, assorted plastic plants, 10oz can of fish food (extra), plus the stand (wooden). Should i try to sell it at this price or lower it a bit. I did pay quite alot for my fish tank but im out in cali. I will only sell it to someone who is in cali who will be able to pick it up from my house. If you seen it you'd understand why i am trying to sell it at such a price. I've only had it for about 4 months and have taken good care of it. If you have any suggestions let me know. Thanks.
YES, I can buy that stuff new (55 gal setup) everyting from a store here in Michigan for $700 or less. Your stuff may be nicer than I'm anticipating (I'm thinking mid grade on everyting as high end stuff usually can't be purchaced just anywhere). The rule of thumb for selling used stuff like this is 50% of the purchace value, food is free to the purchacer.
It dependes some people might think so and some people might
Thats a very reasonable price for all the buyer is getting. I have a 55 gallon and thought about selling it but i couldn't! I love it too much. But that is a fair price and I hope who ever gets it takes care of it. Good luck!
Way too pricey. You may want to checkout craigslist to see what others are selling their 55 gallon comparable setups for to get an idea...
some people may be willing to pay that price--i personally wouldn't want anything but the tank, stand,heater, and filters. i would want to get the other stuff myself to personalize it and make it my own
I did the same thing, I had a 55 gallon with all the trimmings, and put WAY too much money into it. I would see if you get any responses with the $700 pricing. If not maybe try dropping it down to 6. It is a shame isn't it? I ended up keeping mine, its wasn't worth selling it. Good luck!
I think it might be a little high, but you might find someone to take it at that price, especially if it is in good condition and still looks new. Some people also like to price things high so they can barter down and still get a fair price.
If you need to sell it fast, lower the price closer to $500.00. If you can hang on to it for a while, keep it at $700.00 and see what happens. Having a really good, professional looking photo of it will help you sell it faster. As backwards as it sounds, the better the photo, the more you can get for your stuff.
it's a fair price, If you have that knid of money to spend on a fish tank. I could get a 55 gallon tank for 50 buck that works fine, but i only use tanks for breeding but i would say a little over priced.
no...thats a really good deal...
Where in california do you live...i might be interested?
Just like before... way too much.
No way too much! I can get a 55 gallon new tank and stand hood, light, heater, and filter from wal-mart for around 250.00! I just bought a tank 150 gallon for 750.00 brand new at petsmart. here in n.c. but if cali's that high I'am glad to be down south!
I think it might be a little high. Like everyone else I think that I could get most of that stuff cheaper where I live. I would run an add or post it on some message boards and say its for pick up in Cali and if you dont get anyone to bite lower the price..
Way too much.
walmart has a complete 55 gallon kit with heaters, filters, lights, and hood and glass tank for 160
stand is about 100 there.
so thats 250

gravel about 20 at walmart for that much
all of the little toys arent worth that much either, especially used.
even it its only been used for 4 months, it is still all used.
id ask for 150-200
maybe a little more if the stand is nice

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