Saturday, May 22, 2010

Really sick beta fish. cotton-like material along bottom of tank?

Hi! I know nobody who knows much of anything about beta fish, so I've resulted to asking you people online.
I've had my beta fish for about a year now... and recently he has been acting really strange. I've been looking up a bunch of the diseases, and I can't quite decide on what I think is wrong with him. Two weeks ago I went on vacation for a week and had to leave him alone in my dorm. I didn't want to go a week without feeding him, so I went to the store and bought "7 Day Betta Blocks"... which are supposed to last him 7 days worth of food. When I plopped the pellet into the tank, it started fizzing like crazy. I was kind of worried at first, but soon left to go on vacation. When I got back, my fish was acting really strange. There was this weird white-like substancy material floating along the bottom of the tank on top of his rocks. At first I thought that maybe the food had caused that to happen. And then later I noticed my fish acting very lethargic and wasn't eating at
That's exactly the reason you're not suppose to buy these feeder blocks, because the only thing they do is pollute your tanks and you have a big mess on your hand
It's not a disease your betta has, it's the food that grew bad on your gravel
Do a waterchange with a gravelsiphon right away and don't forget to put declorinator into the water before you add it
Also after you clean your tank put 1teaspoon full of aquarium salt to 1 gallon into your tank and watch him for a couple of days, if you see any symptoms after that just feel free to email me
hope that helps
Good luck
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there something wrong with the food and u wat i notice ever time i go on usually when pplz leave there pets home for a vacation the pets start acting strange when the owners come back home pplz should be allowed to take their pets on vacation
The white stuff is from the food... mine did that too! ewww! Your betta is probally sick though, and you should remove him and clean out his tank!! He would greatly apperciate it! As a college student with a betta, I have had my ups and downs... but I think he is constipated... don't feed him for a day or two, he won't die from the lack of food, I promise, and just keep a close eye on him!!
Good luck!
If your fish does not have this stuff on him I would say it is a fungus and to clean out his bowl really well and give him a little tlc some blood worms.. I do believe the bubbling you saw was a chemical reaction used to break the food down to last.. Watch how much he eats in a 10 min. period.. If he is eating then I think you will be fine it sounds liek a bowl fungus and not a fish fungus there for I would not give him any medication until you change his bowl and watch for a few days.. Bettas are hardy fish just do not keep him in the bowl with this fungus as I am afraid he may get it.. Then you would have to get fungus medication.. You can play with a Betta with a laser light they will follow it and play.. well most contrary to peoples beliefs Bettas do have there own personality and he may have missed you when you where gone.. IF he is swimming alright and his eyes and gills look clear and no odd colored fungus on him I would say he will be fine...
Most likely the white substance is coming from the food. After so long the bacteria in the tank will attach to the food and make it look fuzzy and white. You need to remove all of that. A dirty tank can stress a fish and can cause fin and tail rot.
Betta's being lethargic can come from a few things such as water quality, temperature and mood. When was the last time you did a partial water change? Do you have him in a heated tank set between 76-82 F? Next time don't bother with the feeders when you are going to be gone for a week. Betta's, like other healthy fish can survive more than a week without food.
If the fish is swimming on his side he more than likely has swim bladder disorder. Just fast him for a few days. If he has cottony looking patches on him you will need to treat him with Maroxy or Jungle Fungus Eliminator.
Same thing happened to me. My vet said"New diet, and bigger10-20 gallon tank needed
Oh, those vacation foods will destroy your water quality. He is sick from the really bad water since it took so long to get releif. Keep his water clean now, and he could recover. He may have an infection due to the bad water so look for signs of one and treat it -- if he looks normal with no fin rot or cloudy eye, etc., then keeping the water clean is most important. Feed him protein food, just a little sparingly so he will eat real food but can heal by not overeating. Does he have a filter? All fish should have a filter, that will protect him in the future. Next time see if a friend can feed him every few days. Many tropicals are better off not eating five days than having those horrible vacation foods in there -- I know it's hard though, I have use those yucky things too. Good luck, I hope he feels better. And next time take a few minutes to clean his tank -- its worth it for your sweet little pet:)
PS%26lt; tetracycline or maracyn 2 are fantastic antibiotics that should help him recover if he does have a bacterial infection or is sick. Make sure hte water is clean -- it is NOT a good idea to use the old water -- or he will keep getting worse. Brand new water is best at this point. He could be falling to his side because he is so sick. It could be swim bladder, but that seems unlikely if all he had to eat was that vacation food, which sounds like it's already evaporated.
Well when you clean his tank you have to keep some of his old water because that's how they can get comfortable and put bamboo in their tank when they get sick it helped my beta fish.

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